Jesus – Others – You


Welcome to the CHUCKLES page.

Each week, on this page you will find something funny. Often, it will be a joke, but on occasion, there may be a funny poem, activity or piece of trivia. Something that made me laugh. You like to laugh, don’t you? Even the Bible says in Proverbs 17:22, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”

Since I was little, I have collected jokes. Like my Dad, I love to hear a good joke and I love to tell a good joke. It is therapeutic to laugh and I so enjoy watching (and hearing) others giggle, chuckle, snort, or even guffaw when they hear a good joke. I have many years’ worth of jokes on hand and each week I’ll share one or two with you. What you won’t find on my CHUCKLES page is a dirty joke. I firmly believe that jokes do not have to be filthy to be funny.